Thursday, September 01, 2005

Do You Have a Bad SEO Company, or Are You Just a Bad Client? "?
By Stoney deGeyter...

Nobody wants to think they are a bad client, but here are some signs:

Does not communicate concerns to their SEO firm
Does not listen to advice given
Refuses to change their site based on SEO recommendations
Demands optimization for poorly targeted keywords
Constantly overwrites optimization efforts with page changes
Expects rankings to appear overnight
Calls all the time to complain about lack of progress due to the above

The signs of a bad firm are pretty obvious, bad communication, spammy optimization, getting your site banned, etc. If you work with one of them then run away as soon and as fast as you can. It's usually pretty easy to tell a good one from a bad one. Communicate with (don’t harass) your SEO firm. A trustworthy and respectable firm will keep open lines of communication. Just be ready to listen to what they have to say and implement recommendations that they provide, even if those recommendations are to be patient.

Maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s them. Get the facts before you do anything. You definitely don’t want to be stuck with a firm that’s just sucking your money away and doing very little work for it. On the other hand, you don’t want to jump ship mid-way in what will turn out to be a substantially rewarding campaign just because things didn’t happen fast enough. Before you dump your SEO, make sure the problem isn’t you!"

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