Friday, June 10, 2005

Seo - Easy To Sell - But Can You Deliver?

High Rankings Search Engine Optimization Forum Jill Whalen starts the debate:

"Let's face it, SEO is getting harder and harder these days. Aging delays, spam-clogged results, and millions of pages all vying for the same keywords...what's an SEO to do?

Many who read articles and forums can easily sell SEO to nearly anyone if they want to. They know all the right things to say, and know exactly which buttons to push to get a client to sign on the dotted line.

But what happens after you make that sale? Can you deliver on your promises? Do too many SEO companies sell stuff that they really shouldn't be selling?"

Microbe describes Jill's approach as "much closer to being a business consultancy or marketing consultancy service aimed at overall improvement to a client's site and it performance, but which incorporates SEO techniques.

But it is a bit like someone who goes to their doctor asking for a pill to treat depression and comes away instead with a lifestyle improvement programme dealing with the cause rather than the symptoms. Many will just not bother and go get the pills they want elsewhere."

ewc21 writes: "SEO IMHO should be a combination of html skills, copyrighting, programming if needed be, usability and keen adoption to ever changing methods that work (accepted as ethical, not deceptive), something I believe many SEOs don't have that package rolled in one. Hence, the black hats."

Check out The Nitty-gritty of Writing for the Search Engines by Jill Whalen

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