Copyright Infringment - SEO slant
Pursuing Copyright Infringers Scottie Claiborne writes: "As a website owner, if you find your copy on multiple sites without the proper credit, it makes YOU look like a possible copyright violator as well..."Plus "copyright infringement on the Internet can impact your site in search engine rankings. Most of the search engines try to weed out duplicate content (but they aren't very good at it yet) and at the very least, display the most important version of the duplicate content first."
Claiborne recommends using Google alerts and Wayback machine to find copies and advises that you "Report infringers who refuse to remove your copy or give you proper credit to their ISP's and the search engines.
She also provides a host of links to relevent info including The Upside of Copyright Infringment for details on ISP's and reporting violations to them. Plus links as below to the copyright notification pages for various Search Engines, each of which has a mail/fax address and a specific procedure to follow.
Google: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
Yahoo! copyright
AOL Anywhere | Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement
Microsoft - Information on Terms of Use
Ask Jeeves Inc.
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