Wednesday, November 10, 2004


WebProWorld :: dropped from yahoo: "Here's some helpful RSS advice for Yahoo optimization - keep RSS announcements small - usually 5 (you may consume space in the user interface or Add to My Yahoo). Consider too that a users RSS aggragator will have several feeds, and if yours is heavy then they'll dump it, even on broadband connection..

If you're ready for RSS, open a Yahoo account, get their Add To My Yahoo button for your website (for RSS), click on your site ATMY button, and follow the simple process. After this Yahoo will have indexed your feed 2 hours later(but make sure your feed links to content).

And don't think RSS has to be traditonally news based - you dont have to run feeds from the Grudge Report, or CNN etc. You don't have to blog. Think of it as a simple notice board"

What is RSS Aggregator software

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