Tuesday, November 18, 2003

ResourceShelf: "Three Additions to Your Web Search Reading List
Although these 'must read' articles are a year old I still think they're all most worthy of your time and attention.
1) 'Challenges in Web Search Engines'
This twelve page paper was written by Dr. Monika Henzinger (Research Director, Google), Dr. Rajeev Motwani (Professor at Stanford) and Dr. Craig Silverstein (Director of Technology, Google). From the abstract, '...article presents a high-level discussion of some of the problems with information retrieval that are unique to web search engines. The goal is to raise awareness and stimulate research in these areas.' Content quality, spam, cloaking, duplicate hosts, and vaguely-structured data are some of the topics discussed.
2) 'A taxonomy of web search'
An eight page article by Andrei Broder. Dr. Broder was one of the original developers of AltaVista. From the abstract, Classic IR (information retrieval) is inherently predicated on users searching for information, the so-called 'information need'. But the need behind a web search is often not informational -- it might be navigational (give me the url of the site I want to reach) or transactional (show me sites where I can perform a certain transaction, e.g. shop, download a file, or find a map). We explore this taxonomy of web searches and discuss how global search engines evolved to deal with web-specific needs.
3) 'U.S. Versus European Web Searching Trends'
By Amanda Spink and Bernard Jansen (Penn St. Univ) and Seda Ozmutlu & Huseyin C. Ozmutlu (Uludag University). Seven pages. From the article, As the Web is becoming a worldwide phenomenon we need to understand what searching trends are emerging across different global regions. Are there regional differences"

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