Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Interview with a link spammer

The Register: "They're just exploiting a weakness in a system which blossomed just at the time that Google cracked down on the previous method that spammers used, where huge 'link farms' of their own web sites pointed circularly to each other to boost each others' ranking...

Why not just buy a Google ad, Sam? "You don't get anything like the same click-through ratio. Jakob Nielsen's studies and my own show you get six or seven times more click-throughs from 'organic' search results. And pay-per-click on search engines costs money! It can be £20 per click! We pay nothing to get an organic result."

"The hardest form to spam is that which requires manual authentication such as captchas. Or those where you have to reply to an email, click on a link in it; though that can be automated too. Those where you have to register and click on links, they're hard as well. And if you change the folder names where things usually reside, that's a challenge, because you just gather lists of installations' folder names.""

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