Sunday, September 05, 2004

Is Yahoo is penalizing sites that run AdSense?

Subscription only website so as much of story coverage from Pandia as possible is pasted below:
Planet Ocean Search Engine News - September 2004 Topics: "Did you know that Yahoo is penalizing sites that run AdSense? We'll show you the workaround so your AdSense revenue producing pages don't get dropped from Yahoo's index."

(September 1 2004) The highly recommended Search Engine News newsletter from Planet Ocean has noticed a tendency for Yahoo! to drop web pages with AdSense ads.

"This month, after adding AdSense ads to one of our sites," Planet Ocean says, "we also noticed the complete disappearance of those specific pages. Coincidence? . . . perhaps."

The AdSense program ads allows web site owner to add context sensitive pay-per-click AdWords text ads to their web pages, thus getting some additional revenue.

AdWords is owned by Yahoo's main competitor, Google, and if Yahoo! is truly punishing Google partners by dropping web pages with the AdSense code on it, this is close to a declaration of war.

Pandia finds it hard to believe that Yahoo! would do such a stupid move, as it would undermine the company's credibility and its search engine's trustworthiness in a serious way. We would therefore like to see some more evidence before we accept the theory.

Pandia has AdSense ads on quite a few of its web pages, and these have not been dropped from the Yahoo! index.

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