Wednesday, September 01, 2004

WebProWorld :: Which pages to avoid when linking?

WebProWorld :: Which pages to avoid when linking?: "Also:

1 - Don't link to sites that use Zeus or Linksmanager to create their links directories.

2 - Don't link to sites that spam the search engines.

In short, don't link to bad neighborhoods."

More on Zeus:
By the way, I don't wish to get into a protracted discussion about the value of Zeus, as I have read the threads on it and there is no need to "beat a dead horse", but it seems to me that this "don't link to Zeus or Linkmanager" comment has become a mantra for many people without real factual, scientific data to back it up.

There is a very simple way to prove or disprove this theory. See how many pages with the filename themeindex.html you can find with a Google toolbar Pagerank that is greater than 0. These pages are penalized by Google as a matter of course.

(Hint: Do a Google search on "themeindex.html" and click on the resulting links pages, then take a quick look at the toolbar PageRank display.)...

You are absolutely right in that "ThemeIndex.html" is not a good thing to have, and I can only recall seeing one page with that extension and a PR4. That is why, one of the things they recommend in the the Zeus Help database is for the webmaster to change the "ThemeIndex.html" page, but it can only be done in the PRO version...and that is why I changed mine inmmediately when I installed the program. So granted, I would think twice before linking to a "ThemeIndex.html" zeus directory.

On the other hand, there are many zeus directories out there which have been customized to the point that they could never be identified as a "zeus directory" and they have good PRs.
Just to name a few: (4/10) (5/10)

Bottom line- zeus is whatever you want it to be, but with all due respect to you and everyone else in this forum, I would never make such a blanket, generalized statement as "Don't link to sites that use Zeus or Linksmanager to create their links directories."

I would caveat such a statement with an explanation about the "ThemeIndex.html" issue; but please, don't put all of those in the same room as the the few lazy and unscrupulous zeus webmasters who can afford to buy the PRO version, but who are so eager to start linking to anything that moves, that don't even take the time to read the zeus help database or even get a clue by joining such informative forums as this one.

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