Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The Wonders of Wordtracker It s More than a Hunt for Keywords

The Wonders of Wordtracker It s More than a Hunt for Keywords John: "Tips to identify human behavior?

Where you'll find most of your 'revelations' or 'insights' are in the 'comprehensive search' feature of Wordtracker. Try entering one part of a search phrase and letting 'comprehensive search' figure out the best 'full use' of the phrase. Another technique I like to use is to examine the top reports for a 'high performance' keyword or topic related to my client and then cut and paste it into comprehensive search to get streams of currently 'hot topics.' I define a hot topic as a popular topic in high demand, which may also have lists of related keyword phrases also in high demand.

Let's study a real life example . . .

Now let me give you a recent example of understanding behaviors. I wanted to pull additional traffic into a site selling baby furniture. The site sells strollers, baby furniture, cribs and other baby products. The client explained that they wanted me to find ways to pull in their true audience. Sometimes you'll discover the true audience is not what it first may seem. By true audience....I mean 'targeted audience' or the folks most likely to 'BUY' or 'respond' to the Web site.

If you just think only in 'keywords' mode, you may miss this.

Performing a comprehensive search within Wordtracker by typing in the word 'baby,' Wordtracker returns interesting results. Do you know what I learned? The target audience for baby strollers is NOT people who have babies! You heard correct. The 'true audience' for those buying strollers and baby cribs ARE NOT 'folks who have NEWBORN BABIES!' Here is the catch....if you are targeting folks with newborns, to sell them a stroller....you're too late! The true audience a"

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