Thursday, April 22, 2004

Cre8asite forums. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Black hat techniques and what confuses me. [ Search Engine Optimization, Usability and Web Design. ]:

"Black Hat SEO techniques work fantasticly ... ... right up until one of your competitors notice and report you. That is far more likely and happens far more often that the SE filters detecting it for themselves. "...

Whitehat is the techniques that the search engine want you to use. Google have invested a lot of energy into getting close to SEO's and trying to steer them down this path.

If you are going to pour your heart and soul into a site, then whitehat is the only option.

If you want to make money and are prepared to practice 'crash and burn' then 'blackhat' works just fine.

The reason that we read so many positive comments about whitehat techniques and so few about blackhat is because the SEOs doing blackhat don't talk about what they are doing.

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