Wednesday, April 12, 2006

SiteProNews: The A to Z Guide to Getting Website Traffic - Part 1

Pretty sound article outlining 26 search optimisation techniques to build solid traffic from organic search - as long as you ignore some glaring contradictions ...The article announces in the first paragraph that submission to search engines is no longer necessary then in just the third paragraph - C) Avoid the Sandbox - states "Make sure it gets crawled by Google and Yahoo (either submit it or link to it from another site)".. I reckon submitting a Google sitemap is essential given their huge share of the search market.

SiteProNews: The A to Z Guide to Getting Website Traffic - Part 1: " new 26-step plan that meets the current needs of webmasters in 2006. Some of the old ones still apply (writing new content everyday, for example), and some don't (submitting to the search engines is no longer necessary), and we're here to tell you which is which! As you probably already know, bringing in traffic is not easy - it takes hard work, determination and lots of elbow grease. So if you're ready, roll up your sleeves and follow these 26 simple steps, and within just one year you will generate enough traffic to keep you busy for a long, long time!"

I particularly appreciate this paragraph
"Site Design
Use the "Keep It Simple" principle. Employ an external CSS file, clean up any Java Scripts by referring to them off the page in an external file, don't use frames, use flash the way you would an image, and no matter what, do not create a flash site. Do not offer a busy site with lots of bells and whistles to your visitors. Keep things nice and simple. Make it easy for them to find what they are looking for and they'll have no reason to look anywhere else."

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