Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Power of Search at Work

Murthy vs the Goliaths: The Power of Search at Work: "In the good old days, online was the place where David could beat Goliath. It was the forum where success was decided not just by market cap or the size of your advertising budget, but by nimble strategies and just plain chutzpah. It was the place where the little guy could triumph and slam one in the face of the corporate behemoths. But those days are over, right?
Not quite, at least not in the legal field...

Murthy.com is the official online home for a small immigration law firm based in Owings Mill, Maryland. Just 9 attorneys, in an office that’s probably smaller than the executive washroom at Baker and McKenzie. Yet, Ms. Murthy is kicking the big guys butts around the online block. And we’re not talking a slight edge in traffic. According to Hitwise’s market share report, Murthy.com captures 10 times the market share of these 4 huge firms combined.

I must admit, I was a little skeptical at first. So I tried some quick checks on Alexa. Sure enough, the small firm from Owings Mill was decimating the big guys when it came to generating internet traffic...

As search marketers, we often assume that the whole world knows about the power of search. Sometimes, it takes a blatant example like this to make us realize that a large part of the world is still waking up to the new reality of online marketing. And as long as the giants are sleeping, there’s still the opportunity for the Sheela Murthy’s of the world to eat their lunch.

Come on, admit it. Aren’t you going to be just a little bit sorry when those days are gone?"

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