Five Ways to Determine Whether You Should Bring Search Marketing In-House
Five Ways to Determine Whether You Should Bring Search Marketing In-House: "Heather Lloyd-Martin Think your company can master search marketing and conduct your SEO/SEM campaigns in-house? If so, you're in the majority.Your company should consider bringing (or keeping) your search marketing in-house if...
1. You have experienced online marketers and copywriters on staff who can conduct keyphrase research, write stellar copy and manage your existing PPC campaign
2. You have a dedicated IT team that can make any necessary technical modifications and upload new content quickly
It's important to note that some technical teams are misinformed about SEO best practices. In an effort to gain higher positions, they may promote invisible text, mirror domains and overzealous linking strategies.
3. You have an SEO director who can be a liaison between marketing and technical, create success metrics and strategize for short and long-term SEO
4. Your marketing and technical teams actually have time to implement your company's SEO plan
5. Your company can provide ongoing training for both your marketing and your technical teams
Lloyd-Martin concludes:
Creating a search-savvy in-house search marketing team gives you the power of managing your search initiatives in-house. Start by evaluating each team's skill set and time commitments, determining how much time and training will be needed for an in-house SEO campaign.
Once an evaluation takes place, training will help the marketing and technical teams master best practice SEO/SEM techniques and understand the important role each department plays in your search marketing campaign.
Soon, your company will see targeted clicks flying and ROI increasing—and your SEO initiative will realize stellar search engine success.
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