Thursday, February 03, 2005

Corporate SEO Implementation: From the Inside Out

Recognise the dilemmas?
Corporate SEO Implementation: From the Inside Out: "The SEM responds with something like, 'Three months ago, this site wasn't assigned to me for SEO. Had I been involved in the CMS upgrade [or site redesign], we could've made these search-engine-friendly changes then. Sorry about that. So, when can this be done by?'
Right about then, the room goes silent. Next, the eye rolls begin. Heavy sighs are emitted from the IT group. They say they'll have to get back with an implementation timeline.
The IT stakeholders head back to their workstations and e-mail their boss about how redoing work is inefficient. The SEM goes back to her workstation and e-mails her boss an acceptable timeline for the SEO project's completion. "

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