Monday, November 08, 2004

SiteProNews: The Keyword Tools Trap

SiteProNews: The Keyword Tools Trap: "Many people today simply run through Wordtracker, grab the results that have a high KEI, and set about optimizing for those phrases. Some of the problems with this tactic are:
untargeted traffic, low conversion, not equipped to show seasonal variation or phrases...

Common-sense Keyword Selection
What many people miss is the common-sense aspect of search: what words will people who want to find your goods or services use to search for it? Besides consulting keyword research tools, your client, their salespeople, and their customers, below are 3 additional ways of finding out what people are typing in at the search engines to find what you offer:
1) Trade organizations or industry news sites
2) Usability testing/surveys
3) Log files"

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