Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Inside the Searcher's Mind: latest research

Delving Deep Inside the Searcher's Mind: "New research offers insights into the workings of the searcher's mind. "

Fredrick Markini, CEO of iProspect, summarized data from the "iProspect Search Engine User Attitudes Report," surveying 1,649 participants on their search engine behavior. Specific results are:
60.5 percent of respondents picked a natural search result as the one they found most relevant to a sample query.
60.8 percent of respondents who use Yahoo! picked a natural search result as "most relevant" to a sample query.
72.3 percent of respondents who use Google picked a natural search result as "most relevant."
15.2 percent more women than men stop at the first page of search results.

Once users enter their search query, they immediately focus on the blue links in the middle of the search engine results page (SERP). Everything else on the SERP is initially ignored -- including sponsored links, tabs at the top of the page and news stories - until the searcher has confirmed that the search results are relevant

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