Thursday, June 10, 2004

SEO spammers

MediaDailyNews 06-10-04: "Cloaking, creating shadow domains, and link farms are common techniques employed by fraudulent search engine optimization (SEO) firms. Range Online Media says it knows how to identify SEO fraud. Legitimate companies are getting bumped from Google and Yahoo! for illegal search engine optimization (SEO) practices, and most don't know why...

"Muller acknowledges that several big name brands have been banned by Google and Yahoo!, although he would not disclose any names. "The travel industry is huge with it," he says, adding that e-commerce, pharmaceuticals, porn, and gambling companies have also been major perpetrators.

"[Search engine optimization] is easier to do the right way, but it's more intimidating," says Muller. "If there wasn't a need for this 'quick fix,' then [fraudulent search engine optimization] wouldn't exist--you wouldn't believe how many hotel agencies aren't around anymore."

The best way to protect yourself is to RFP [request for proposal] at least five SEOs," Muller says. Prospective clients should also be wary of any company that claims "proprietary" SEO methods or that refuses to disclose its methodology. "

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