Thursday, June 10, 2004

'nigritude ultramarine 1st round results : A Contest to Outwit Google

Wired News: A Contest to Outwit Google: "'nigritude ultramarine.' SEO Challenge entrants were allowed to do anything to win, even things that some might consider underhanded.

"If the point of the competition is to prove which methods work and don't work, then it's silly to place rules that say you can't use such and such a technique," Ridings said. "If they really can't use it then the assumption is that Google would boot them out of the index, so they wouldn't win."

Suit, whose online community was judged the first-round winner, said that his success was based largely on backlinks -- a technique in which the required words on other people's sites are hyperlinked back to Suit's site. nigritude ultramarine forums for nigritude ultramarine in nigritude ultramarine ( (Powered by Invision Power Board)

Lenssen, who writes a blog about Google, just missed winning the first round. He used a combination of three optimization methods, but according to Ridings, Lenssen's entry slipped into the second spot just at the moment of judging. Lenssen said his main strategy, too, was building a tremendous number of backlinks.

Google Blogoscoped - The Nigritude Ultramarine of the 21st Century: "I could not hold my weekend number one position, and now it's official. The Nigritude Ultramarine iPod goes to... Congratulations.
Nigritude Ultramarine in the meantime went up in Blogdex as fastest spreading Meme on the Web....

Google Blogoscoped - The Nigritude Ultramarine of the 21st Century: "The current events again prove three points:

1) Google is heavily defending itself against any type of spamming mechanism or single-page optimization, or even closely-related linkfarms. That is why real links to real pages matter, and not a gazillion repeated variations of the keyword.

2) Content still rules. Most other pages have nothing but nonsense text stuffed with the competition phrase. (The Nigritude Ultramarine FAQ being a noteworthy exception, and the only competing site I linked to.)

3) Nothing counts as much as a bunch of single, high-quality backlinks from high-quality pages. This includes news coverage as well as blogs by friends (helping me out in this competition were Philipp Henkel, Dominik Schwind, Markus Renschler, Alexander Svensson, Paul, Maurice, Sebastian, David, Karthy and many others � thanks again).

So what's the secret of Nigritude Ultramarine, and good rankings in general? The secret is that there is no secret... and realizing that is the best way to get you focus on providing good content, good products, good service, and whatever it is which drives visitors to your site."

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