Sunday, March 14, 2004

More Yahoo...linking, email address...
Yahoo What gives? How do you tell if your penalized?: "When you do a backward link search in Y. Dose your site show backward links? ' via link:

I emailed the webmasterworldfeedback address and got a reply saying I was given a 'demotion penalty' and that my site was going to be scheduled for re-review as it didn't look that bad. I find this encouraging, as it means Yahoo is using some sort of human filtering, and the process is subject to appeal. I would email them and be patient, you will probably get a reply."

On Yahoo blocking affiliate sitesYahoo What gives? How do you tell if your penalized?: "This has pretty major implications for the shape of the web and internet marketing in general. CJ, Tradedoubler, Befree, etc generate millions of dollars of income and business for a multitude of organisations the world over. ffiliate marketing has been a massive contributer to the growth and development of the internet.

Search itself is currently more or less duopolistic, why should my business or anyone else for that matter be excluded from 50% of the marketplace? Is Y! going to drop all Brokerage firms, Travel agents, Insurance agents too?... reply from Y! that they don't oppose affiliate sites but they don't want their index to be full of the same stuffs from affiliate. They want good, unique content that has value for the searchers.

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