The Year of the Black Sheep - Marketleap's Look Back at 2003: "The take away lesson of 2003 for all marketers is consumers like being in control and their capability to take control is just warming up. Technologies have enabled them to construct their world in unique and individual ways. The Internet ties it all together and the businesses that use them wisely are experiencing record growth. All marketers should adapt and insert themselves into the consumer's world at the right time, rather than flinging creative swings into the ghostly apparition of marketing past..."
The Marketleap Report: "business can evolve as long as it understands that software won't change everything without careful planning. Web initiatives aren't six-month projects funded with a leftover marketing budget, misguided executives dictating results with dollars...
Why do we build software? Why do we want to connect? Think of those basic questions every day. They are a mantra for where we are. The Internet and software can purify business. That was the real excitement that tickled our noses to begin with. Streamlining process and information into a tool that pulls more from us all.
In the economic world these concepts stand to create stronger relationships, smarter workers and more profitable businesses. But only if we design them to. The organization at every level should understand the commitment.
The impact that we expect technology to make is possible. We don't have to knock our heads together because the information age will not be built overnight. Get back in line. And this time, no cutting
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