Monday, December 15, 2003

On the new BrainBoost search engine: " BrainBoost, the 100% automated natural question answering search engine. (December 11 2003) Admittedly, it has been done before. Ask Jeeves started out as a search engine capable of answering 'natural question', i.e. search queries formulated as regular questions: 'Where can I find information about how to search the Web?' instead of 'web searching tutorial'.

However, Ask Jeeves has partly relied on a directory of questions and sites edited by human beings in order to deliver such queries. The new BrainBoost search engine, on the other hand, tries to analyze the meaning of the question at hand automatically and then match the query with web pages that include sentences that (hopefully) give a relevant answer"

BrainBoost - Question Answering Search Engine: "BrainBoost is a Question Answering search engine. It was specifically designed to answer questions, asked in plain English."

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