New Search Engine Vivante Provides Localized Results: "New Search Engine Vivante Provides Localized Results"
GROKLAW: "There has to be something wrong when you can't find Google in a search for 'search engines'. They want to buy it, but they don't want you to find it?
I then went to Google, and I ran the same searches. You can find MSN on Google just fine, on page 2. It doesn't list itself first, either. They are number 4, with Yahoo and Alta Vista ahead of it when you do a search for 'search.' When you search for 'search engines' you get helpful things like Search Engine Watch, number one on the list. "
High Rankings Advisor - Issue No. 079
Intro: " I'd better comment on the recent algorithm changes at Google. I've had numerous frantic emails from
subscribers wondering why their previously highly-ranked homepages had suddenly dropped off the face of Google. The short answer is that I really don't know!
Apparently in an attempt to stop the spammers, Google made some big changes in how they decide what's relevant. Unfortunately, it appears that in some cases they goofed big-time!
So what should you do if your page or pages have dropped off the map? Right now, I'd have to say do nothing at all. At any rate, try not to panic, and give things another month to work things out".
...pages are still being included for free and that paying for inclusion does not equal paying for rankings. It
does give you the ability to test and then hopefully improve your rankings through those tests, but it doesn't put you in a special pile of sites that will automatically shoot to the top.
On the other hand, if you have a really large site (over 500 pages),
trusted feed can apparently give you a boost in the rankings because
you have more control over what the search engines see and index. The
feeds can be highly focused on your keywords, and don't have to match
exactly what's on your pages.
Regardless of any of that, you can't pay to be included in Google
anyway. Many sites get so much traffic from Google that they don't
even worry about the other engines anymore. Not saying you should
ignore them, but if you can get in for free, well, why pay? Always
check to see if your pages are already included in any engine before
you send them your money.
Creating an Industry News Section By Serge Thibodeau
( From same Highrankings newsletter)
when I design a website I like to include an industry news
section. On top of creating added visibility in the search engines, it
also helps my users stay better informed. If they like to stay
informed, some will bookmark it and others will return to it daily. A
well-designed industry news section can account for 30 to 40% of the
daily Web traffic to a site.
If your website has a news section that is frequently updated and that
is very relevant to your industry, there's a good chance it will show
up in the search engine results pages (SERPs) when people search for
your industry-specific keywords...
In conclusion, an industry news section that is updated many times a
day can do wonders for the visibility and popularity of any website.
An added bonus is that some will want to link directly to your site
without your even asking, further increasing your link popularity in
the search engines. When all of this is done correctly, it is possible
that your site will become an "industry news hub" or an important
industry resource that will benefit your visitors and clients.
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