Anatomy of a Google Niche - News on Google - Microdoc News:
"My testing of this concept has produced excellent results. When Your webpage arrives within the top ten and your AdWords advertisement arrives on the same page, you increase the chances of a potential customer actually arriving at your page many times over. From our testing we have found that 10% of people will click on none of the results, 70% of people will click on one or more of the top five listings, while 18% will click on many more, and only 1% to 2% will click on the AdWords advertisement.
By optimizing so that I have a webpage and an advertisement in each page of a Google Niche, I have increased the traffic from Google for a particular niche by a factor of 50 times. Thus, on pages where I was getting both free/paid referrals from Google at a rate of 10 a day, I have increased the number of referrals from Google to 500 a day for a specific page. To get this type of result it is necessary to have the Google Niche words in the title of the page and at least in three to four other places in the text arranging the words in the various orders that are potentially possible for that niche. You can test the type of number for a particular niche by running an AdWords advertisement using the particular niche words as the keywords for that AdWords Group. Set the bid price to the highest range so that you show in that niche for every query -- otherwise you do not get a good reading of how many people visit the niche. "
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