Wednesday, July 09, 2003

The tide keeps rising.....but I still have not grown a P*nIs despite all their virile promises -promises i get at least 10 times a day, now there's a thought...
The Deadly Duo: Spam and Viruses, June 2003
BY ROBYN GREENSPAN (profile) | July 08, 2003

There was only a moderate increase in June 2003's spam volume, climbing nearly 2.5 percent, compared to the more than 6 percent that has been measured over previous months"

Interesting re copy length:
" "Disregarding the actual copy for a moment, and considering only the
structure, I quote from a study by User Interface Engineering (UEI),

'One of the most significant findings of our research on Web site
usability is that users are perfectly willing to scroll. However, they'll
only do it if the page gives them strong clues that scrolling will help
them find what they're looking for..." reports the article "As the Page
Scrolls" from User Interface Engineering (UIE).

"In the trade-off between hiding content below the fold or spreading it
across several pages, users have greater success when the content is on a
single page.'"

From: A Bi-Weekly Newsletter About Copywriting Online
July 2003 Issue # 034

re PPC
One PPC outfit to strike off the list of ones to consider....
"Overture, the leader in the Pay-Per-Click search engine world, has partnered with one of the more notorious Scumware merchants: Gator. Yes, your hard-fought for keyword positions are no longer simply being shown as part of search results on most of the major search engines as supplement to a relevant search. They're now being injected and forced into the face of unsuspecting Gator users. "

The Jim World Forums after Jim...
"It's important to point out that we now have 5 forum domains. For those of you that do not know, all of our forums live at one central domain ( ). The other domains exist to help segment the various forum topics into logical mini-websites for ease. If you prefer to work from the master, then please feel free to do so. (The complete forums) (SEO and Search Engines) (Internet/Web Site Marketing) (Programming and Coding for the WWW) (The Water Cooler) "

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