Friday, July 18, 2003

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Wired News: Furthermore: "Beating Cancer the Hard Way
02:00 AM Jul. 17, 2003 PT Frequent masturbation, particularly in the 20s and at least five times a week, helps prevent prostate cancer later in life, according to a new Aussie study. Apparently the more men masturbate between ages 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop the disease. Scientists suspect that frequent ejaculation helps protect against the cancer by preventing carcinogens from building up in the gland. Previous studies found frequent sexual activity could increase the risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent. But that research concentrated on intercourse, and infections from sexual activity could account for the different findings, said one of the scientists. 'Men have many ways of using their prostate which don't involve women or other men,' he added."

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