Sunday, June 29, 2003

more ways to fill all that free time...
(How geeky are you?) :



Its Sunday - so heres some stuff that is not work related for once..... sort of my pick of whats buzzing around the web today plus barefoot doctors weekly mind tip.

fakefags - we sell stickers to cover up the health warnings on UK cigarette packets
(Cover-up health warning stickers: £3.99 for 20, includes 'You could be hit by a bus tomorrow', 'Smoking makes you look hard'.)

Barefoots ponderings from 27 June 2003 Skrufff-E® #107
Barefoot Doctor Bit: Should You Always Confront a Two Faced Friend?

Barefoot Doctor: "There's no particular protocol to cover every situation, instead we have to play life moment by moment and respond to what's happening as it's happening.

When you are confronted by a friend with two faces, as long as you relax and stay centred in your body, you should find you know exactly what to do, By relaxing, you'll find that all will be revealed and all faces whether double-sided or not will seem as one. In other words, you'll respond naturally so you'll know whether it's worth calling them on their deception or not.

In the long run, it's your own authenticity that matters anyway rather than someone else's and that derives from being fully present in your body in the moment, as opposed to living life according to some pre-planned script.

After all, the human face is only a mask hiding every aspect of human possibility, from the treacherous to the noble."


Friday, June 27, 2003

Microdoc News: Microsoft and the New Google Toolbar: "Jeremy Zawodny's blog: PageRank is Dead: 'PageRank stopped working really well when people began to understand how PageRank worked. The act of Google trying to 'understand' the web caused the web itself to change. Blogs are only a recent example of that. Oddly, unlike many of the previous problems with Google (see also: search engine optimization companies; link spammers; google bombing), blogs were not designed to outsmart Google. They just happen to use the web and hyperlinks the way we should have been using them all along. Now they're being penalized for that, it seems.' "


Thoughts on the demise of google & the end of free search
Microdoc News: Microsoft and the New Google Toolbar: "The Future of Google
Perhaps Google Inc has seen the writing on the wall and are determined to build an advertising network as their safety net. Search, the essentially free item on the Internet can be run by deep pockets such as Microsoft as long as they maintain a monopoly on advertising. Perhaps that is why I can now run Google Adsense on my BHN site, and why they are expanding this service so rapidly -- take this market before search is lost. ++ "


I used the google "blog this" button to blog this - easy to go back at the end of the wek & transfer any really useful stuff to excel or whatever...
Microdoc News: Microsoft and the New Google Toolbar: "The BlogThis tool is also welcomed. I used BlogThis all the time only that over the last 10 days since Blogger went to Dano I have not been able to get my version working. Now with the Google Toolbar 2.0 providing this, I now can use it again. This is a great tool. All you have to do is to select some text in a current webpage and click on the Blogger symbol on the toolbar and presto, there is your quote in a Blogger editind window. Add some of your own text and a blog post has been created. If you have not tried this, it would be a great idea to do so now."


First up today, a reference to the posible value of blogging to businesses - asking

Weblogs: Dare We Go There?

Secondly, the debate re Googles adsense hots up with predictions that it will kill off dodgy affiliate advertising - relevent to totaltravel - maybe, anyway this link lists a few of the better articles about it all
AdSense: How to Boost Your AdSense Revenue

Third - the latest google spidering (dances) have been different to previous - here is part of the reason why.....

Google Launches Super Search Engine:
"Sergey Brin, Google president and co-founder. 'We remain obsessed with providing our users with the highest quality search experience on the Web"


Thursday, June 26, 2003

Competition...kudos....££££..... from quick scan of my inbox...will the site be "live" in time for this.....?

e-commerce awards competition, win £40,000



PS link to blogger if anyone needs it..


Here it is at last - the blog about working at home, all alone, on totaltravel.

For months I have been threatening to get writing about all the highs & the lows - including the day to day head mashing &/or mania inducing online-life events this involves.

There should be a strong SEO element in my posts - when I finally manage to escape from the claws of the monstrous project called transport .

It sounded soooo simple a year ago, I honestly thought & hoped it would be done, dusted & live by December 2002. The niaivity - another 6 months on however & the results of all the research & writing is finally becoming visible (albeit privately) online. Exciting days, with a product finally in our sights but still loads to do - I promise to myself to work systematically & hope there will be few distractions or side issues. ...

So , two areas proofed & the to & from UK well underway plus just 2 regional overviews left to write and those are already researched and mostly written so they only need re-jigging into the final page layout & then we all be working in builder...

This is hosted on Blogger for now with the privacy setting as not publically available - I have only got the motivation because of the updated Google tool bar which has the beta blogger button.

So to finish off heres the very first SEO related updates & links .....

Google beta bar

I was alerted to the new google toolbar by the ever excellent High Rankings Advisor newsletter, a "weekly email newsletter discussing the latest news and information in the world of search engine marketing"

Todays issue has an excellent article on the new Google AdSense although it is unlikely that they would suit totaltravel.

High Rankings Newsletter archives

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