Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hiring an SEO Company or Consultant

� Hiring an SEO Company or Consultant - Stuntdubl - SEO ConsultantTodd Malicoat writes : "If you are looking to sign a deal with someone to do your SEO, I hope you have your BS meter set to high, and are willing to call people out for stuff you don’t think is accurate. Don’t fall for the smooth salesguy pitches from people that don’t actually DO any of the search optimization work (especially if they don’t even understand it). I can only imagine what it must be like for SEO’s who have a sales staff selling for them that are not highly familiar with the work itself. It just seems like a pretty big logical disconnect to me. As the consumer you need to be armed with the ability to ask intelligent questions about how a company manages their SEO campaigns.

So I thought I’d put together a little of the best information I’ve seen and heard on hiring an SEO company from some of the saavy consumers that I’ve spoke with"....

Some of his Best Techniques for Hiring an SEO Company or Consultant include:

Call lots of companies and have good questions about SEO strategy to ask them

Ask each company who they would recommend if they were too busy

Ask each company who they would choose between a few of your top choices…throw in a lousy SEO company to see if they’re being honest.

Do some searches for some medium level competition searches (2 word phrases not HIGHLY sought after). Call up the companies in the top spot and ask them about their SEO company.

Test the waters with smaller services

Do searches for the names of the SEO company or the main folks in the company - this will show you their reputation within the industry

Choosing a company can be a very important decision, and not one that should be jumped to quickly. Afterall, SEO is about LONG TERM strategy.."

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