Saturday, December 04, 2004

Marketing Sherpa Search benchmarks

PDF $139.00 New benchmark data on SEO and paid search ads for you to base your budget on (and compare results to)...
Do you know if your search marketing clicks and conversions are as good as they should be? Or, if you're budgeting the right amount of money on optimization and/or paid search ads?
Now you'll find fast, reliable numbers in MarketingSherpa's Search Marketing Metrics Guide, including self-reported data from 3,007 marketers on:

How SEO (search engine optimization) results compare to Pay per Click search ads

Conversion rate data galore for visits-to-lead-generation and visits-to-sales

Which types of keywords are best to target for cost and effectiveness

Pricing data on search marketing campaigns, and how much other marketers in your field are budgeting for search

Demographics and usership for top search engines (reach and usage frequency differ more than you may think)

Heaps of information on online shopping and search

Data on specialist agency campaign results versus campaigns conducted by do-it-yourself marketers

Samples of measurement reports and tips for measuring your own results

Click attrition by page rank, and click latency data to help you pre-estimate campaign results
169 charts and tables are included. Click here for a complete list of charts.

Find out what 3,007 marketers revealed about their budgets, optimization results, click rates, cost per click, and conversions from search traffic:

MarketingSherpa surveyed 3,007 marketers in July 2004, who revealed an extraordinary amount of real-life data on their own search marketing experiences.

You'll get cost, click, and conversion data broken down by type of site, including:
- b-to-b product marketer
- b-to-b services marketer
- content site
- b-to-c brand marketer (not ecommerce)
- ecommerce site with less than $50 average sale
- ecommerce site with $51-100 average sale
- ecommerce site with $101-200 average sale
- ecommerce site with average sale over $200
- ecommerce site with average sale over $500

Plus, you'll get best-of collected study data from 30 research sources

Saves you days of research. The Search Marketing Metrics Guide includes the most useful data from more than two dozen studies conducted over the past year (90% of data is 2004),

Top 12 Questions You Can Answer Easily with the Search Marketing Metrics Guide:

#1. If I only advertise with one engine, such as Google, what key demographics will I miss? And, how do Google PPC ad costs and results compare to Overture?

#2. What factors in keywords chosen and landing page design will make the biggest difference in my ultimate conversion rate?

#3. Is it really worth spending the extra money to hire a specialist agency to do SEO and/or PPC search ads for me? Or should I save the money and handle things in-house?

#4. How do results from PPC ads in shopping search sites differ from ads in regular search engines?

#5. Do consumers use major search sites for local search? How much? Is it worth advertising under local terms?

#6. I've heard search engine spiders hate dynamic sites -- but how much? If we switch to static HTML, how much more traffic can we get from organic listings?

#7. Is affiliate search ad arbitrage a rapidly growing problem? Should we stop all affiliates from doing campaigns under our trademarks?

#8. What are the stats on search marketing for business-to-business marketers? Any data on lead generation campaigns?

#9. Do MSN search and AOL search users have dramatically different click patterns on both PPC and organic listings than other search engines?

#10. What's the hottest search engine to reach influential US male teens? What about rich people? How about Brits?

#11. How should I measure my search marketing results to ensure accuracy? Can I run predictive models on search terms with any degree of reliability?

#12. How do clickthroughs and conversions change as my ranking on the page slips downwards?

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