Monday, May 24, 2004

Did Bill Gates shake the blogosphere?

Investor's Business Daily: Breaking News: " Bill Gates told Warren Buffett about blogging on Thursday. Gates' endorsement of blogging, Rubel said, is likely to lead to more businesses using it: 'Bottom-up business communication will only gain steam here.' But there's more to the story. Gates' comments were also 'a veiled declaration of war on Six Apart, Userland, Google and anyone else who makes blogging tools.' Rubel's blog is called MicroPersuasion.
Microsoft has indeed been a booster of blogs. More than 700 employees publish the online diaries, often discussing projects and software in development. One of the more ambitious is Channel9, the work of five company employees who 'want a new level of communication between Microsoft and developers.' It includes descriptions of new technology, video interviews of Microsoft program managers and developers, and some gossip"

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