Monday, April 26, 2004

Keyword basics: Keyword Density FAQ - tools, etc...: "Using a Keyword Density analyzer, am I supposed to analyze a higher ranking site and then use the same KW frequency? If they use the KW 'widget' say - 6.3% of the time, and they are #1, should I adjust mine to 6.3% of the time in order to help??? "

"Use a keyword density tool to view the density of the pages that show up in the top 10 results.

Generally speaking, I try to have about the same density as those that appear in the top SERPs and just a little bit higher then them so I "beat them out". You don't want to be much a lot higher or too low."

"Besides keyword density, you'll want to look at keyword prominence, and the tool does that. Again, you'll want to be around 3.0 to 3.5 percent keyword density and then have your prominence higher than all those competitors, too."

Remember 1: " Keyword density is simply a part of the greater picture. As bhartzer also matters where you put your keywords, what type of linking you are using, what types of sites are linking to your site, etc... So fine tune your keyword density, but if that doesn't do it, make sure you are also looking at other factors."

"Remember 2: Google PR is based soley on your incoming links, it has nothing to do with your keyword density or anything on your page. It's a factor in their ranking algorithm. Google rank and Google Page Rank (PR) are two different things.

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