Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Not strictly SEO but following the rule of putting site visitors first it comes full circle back to SEO esp if search engines follow the same philosophy:
Information architecture: webpage mental maps emerge: October 13, 2003 issue of New Thinking by Gerry McGovern: "* Information Architecture: Webpage mental maps emerge

"When people come to your website they have a mental map of how their 'ideal' webpage should be. They expect to see certain things in certain places. They expect to read certain killer words in your classification and content. The more you meet their mental map, the more successful your website will be"...

"If the vast majority of people expect to see a Home link in the top left, shouldn't you have it there on your webpages? It's not enough that your logo is a link to your homepage, as many people will not know this. An Australian lady told me recently that she had tested her corporate website with 64 people and that 64 out of 64 did not know that the logo linked to the homepage. So, you need to spell it out: Home."

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