Monday, August 25, 2003

Interdisciplinary skills - a more constructive way of naming multi-tasking:

MeansBusiness - 20,000 ideas from today's top business experts on Management,Marketing,Finance,Business,E-commerce,Leadership,Strategic Planning,Knowledge Management,Reengineering,Internet Marketing:
"Our biggest challenge in stimulating a creative culture is finding ways to encourage multiple points of views. Many engineering deadlocks have been broken by people who are not engineers at all. This is simply because perspective is more important than IQ"....."The antidote to such canalization and compartmentalization is being , a term that is at once utterly banal and, in advanced studies, describes an almost impossible goal. Interdisciplinary labs and projects emerged in the 1960s to address big problems spanning the frontiers of the physical and social sciences, engineering, and the arts. The idea was to unite complementary bodies of knowledge to address issues that transcended any one skill set. Fine. Only recently, however, have people realized that interdisciplinary approaches can bring enormous value to some very small problems and that interdisciplinary environments also stimulate creativity. In maximizing the differences in backgrounds, cultures, ages, and the like, we increase the likelihood that the results will not be what we had imagined.'"

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