Thursday, August 21, 2003

Click the duck.... I love it...

Purple Cows is the other book about remarkable companies I have been bangin on about but couldn't remember the colour when I went to buy it - DOH!
Anyway here's a few snippets & such about it & it's author (Seth Godin) from a site - the 99th in his other book - 99 Cows - which tries to bring to life the tipping point theory re communicators - those special few who collect people & influence their behaviour....
BzzAgent: Purple Cow Super Reward!

"What if smart marketers could organize people who love great products and get them onboard early? What if this legion of sneezers was available for hire - not for money, but for the love of great stuff? The result would be a short-circuiting of the early-warning radar that retailers and the media use. Marketers could cut through the randomness and start early.
That's what Dave Balter is building at BzzAgent. A squadron of agents, all waiting for the next remarkable thing, all trained on the best way to spread the word. It turns out that it's not very hard to double the sales of a book and then make it even hotter.

Get the entire e-book for FREE."
BzzAgent: Purple Cow Super Reward!: "book for FREE."

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