Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Linking Out: For and against debate with links, articles multiple domain linking

By Wayne Hurlbert Linking Out: Finding the Benefits: Quote:

For "While the occasional link to other related sites might not provide much search engine value, to a website owner many outbound links are an entirely different matter. If a site links to the most relevant sites on the theme, including the most important authority sites, the linking out site can gain major importance in Google...

That importance arrives in the form of being regarded as a hub site by Google. Along with the hub site status conferred upon sites that are like train stations for themed links, comes high search rankings. SEO professionals agree that becoming a hub site for a site’s most important keywords is a worthwhile goal. Part of becoming a hub site involves linking out to related sites. Some of those sites might even be competitors"

Not all search engine optimization experts believe that Google PageRank is leaked away through outgoing links. In fact, many SEO people believe that the PageRank that flows out in one area is returned through inbound links from other websites. They argue that the level of Google PageRank, paradoxically, can only really be increased by linking out to other sites.

In that regard, creating a PageRank island with no outgoing links is harmful to a site. Linking out becomes a good thing, resulting in more inflowing than outflowing PageRank. Provided that a solid ratio of somewhat more inbound links than outgoing links is maintained, PageRank will constantly rise. The positive ratio of links will serve a site in good stead in the SERPs as well."

Against: Quote: "Many webmasters are strongly opposed to linking out to competitors, even if the competing site is considered an authority site by Google. An authority site is one that Google rates as among the most important websites in any particular theme area. These webmasters don’t like the possibility of sending potential customers and perhaps their business to other sites."

See also "WebProWorld :: Linking Psychosis is Treatable. Link Obsession & PageRank" By Mike Banks Valentine

Explanation of relationship to academic citation Linking is about Reputation : Internet Search Engine Articles: "Link analysis has its roots in citation analysis and social network analysis concepts. A couple of sharp Grehan:Claiborneientists named Pinski and Narin found that by using these predictive methods it could be possible to determine the next winner of the Nobel prize. The guy who had the most papers citing his work was the guy most likely to get the nod.
However, even in the world of science, an early type of spam reared its ugly head. Pinski & Narin were aware that this type of analysis could be skewed or distorted by using methods of manipulation, even to the point of simply bribing someone to mention you in their paper. To combat this, they recognized that the work of some authors/researchers carried more weight than others, i.e., had more influence. Influence weight made it harder to manipulate results, as the community reputation of the author plays a large part in the calculation."

Scottie:: Some people try to increase their link popularity by setting up multiple domains to link to their main site. Does this help?

Mike Grehan: Absolutely not. Those mini-networks are like spam islands if they don't have quality links pointing into the satellites as well as the mother ship. They are easily detected.

Scottie: What do you think about selecting sites as link partners based on their Google PageRank?

Mike Grehan: I've done a lot of research on this. I know exactly what PR7 means: It means you have one more than six but one less than eight. That's all it means. Stop obsessing about PR; get on with business!

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