Wednesday, November 12, 2003

The Art of Advanced Link Building: "you must know your audience in order to find the types of sites that they come from. Your website traffic reports are an invaluable source of this information.
Avoid the common pitfalls of obtaining PageRank or link popularity, warns Mastaler. This means staying away from link schemes or free-for-all linkfarms. And don't use hidden links. Create an outbound links page on your website only if it makes sense for your company or your audience. "

"Distribute press releases and articles for syndication. When done well, these get archived in the heart of the web's structure...indexed in an archive within your own site. Similarly, you should always ask reporters for a link to your site within articles that are going to be published on the Internet...example of this is Atomz Search, theorizing that their PageRank score of 9 comes in part from the free search box tool they provide via download and that features a link back to their home page"

Paul Gardi, Senior Vice Present of Search at Teoma, says they are approaching link structures with a different method, looking for actual communities on the web with user interest and look for natural linking occurrences where good information is shared and linked to. Those sites indicate a measure of quality and association within the Teoma index,

Danny Sullivan's golden rules of link building:

1) Get links from pages that are read by the audience you want.
2) Buy links if visitors that come solely from the link will justify the cost.
3) Link to sites because you want your visitors to know about them.

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